Saturday, April 14, 2007

God Of War 2

Ya know, I already posted a mini review. I just beat it on God Mode (not Titan yet.. blargh, my head hurts thinking about it.)

This is the first game I've not only beaten, but sat through a second time with a friend to beat it, then a third time with the urns of power (aka, unlimited magic, etc), now a fourth time on God mode. I have a feeling I will be playing through it on God mode with the urns, and eventually Titan mode. Replay value is very high on this game.

Oh, and Cod of War = <3

Monday, April 09, 2007

Life, The Universe, And Everything (Apologies to Douglas Adams)

So, what's been going on in my crazy life?

Absolutely nothing.

However, God of War 2 is awesome. If you own a PS2 (or PS3, though I doubt many of you own one, since they have 0 games right now), go buy this game. The controls are close to the first, but seem to be a bit more responsive. The story is better than the first game, you almost see Kratos show humanity, before the Titans turn him back into a cruel and inhuman beast intent on only revenge. He IS the God Of War, even when he loses all his powers... which if you don't see coming in the first level, you seriously need to play more video games - at least they give us a REASON why all his powers and health and magic from the first game disappear for the sequel. The only thing I dislike is the Icarus wings. They seem to be in the game simply because they can, and the puzzles involving them are rather meh at best.

300 is also awesome. A graphic novelist creates a story from real life events in ancient history. A movie is made based on said graphic novel. The movie is so well done. It catches your emotions, you are drawn in and it makes you feel like you HAVE to know what happens (even when you do know what happens, which is kinda.. blargh). It's not like Braveheart, or The Patriot, or even Gladiator. This is not armies fighting, this is 300 men standing firm against the weight of the world. This is not single combat, this is raw unbridled passion for what those men believed in, the hard iron in their backbones forged on the heat of hardship, tempered by camaraderie in the face of death, standing side by side, to face the inevitable, and NOT bow to it.

Ya know, anything related to Sparta is quite awesome. Except for Greece, which is kinda not awesome. Except they have some hot chicks, which I can't complain about. Hmm. I suppose even Greece is awesome. Therefore, all things related to Sparta are awesome. Sparta reigns supreme in awesomeness. And yes, that is a word.